The Human Design
An Introduction to the Design in Nature

I am a lawyer from Melbourne, Australia, with my own view of nature gathered over four or five decades of observation and invention. My work is original, and unlike anything you will read from scientists or philosophers. I show a pattern to nature that fundamentally predetermines all structures, from a Big Bang to a human anatomy. Predetermination is a simple reality, given that we have fixed laws and limited mass in the universe, and we only need to track from a Big Bang to a human anatomy to see the pattern. It is just the same old neutrons decaying at a Big Bang, and making repetitive structures based on a clear pattern, seen in retrospect. I have no room for a God after nature has had its say. Nature rules. 

The pattern is merely four triangles of electromagnetism, gravitation, rest mass, and energy. They are delineated by a grid of space, time, cause, and effect. These are the four states of matter in nature, and they unify in that pattern universally. Our anatomy is also constructed exactly to the pattern as a root and branch blueprint, for us to know nature. It literally takes one to know one. These proposals will seem outlandish, but I use the most basic facts and logic to show how the pattern predetermines our evolution. I only use plain language, no math or jargon. The consistency of the pattern raises it to the status of a Design by nature, to a purpose of human types. 

You are welcome to my work free as a PDF (936 KB), 160 Pages, 50,000 words, A5 size, 11 point type, 34 diagrams, as long as no one is charge to access it. You can copy the PDF and send it to others, as long as no-one is charged for copies or access. Copyright is otherwise reserved. If you take my new ideas for your own work, attribute it as your source for others to find it. My email address for requests by free libraries for printed books is info (at) thehumandesign (dot) net. You can download and save the 6th Edition, updated 1st June 2016, by clicking this link 

Marcus Morgan